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    1. Lex 60 Amp 50' Bates Extension Cable, 120VAC
      Lex 60 Amp 50' Bates Extension Cabl…
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      Adorama Camera
    2. 50"Ft Extension 120/208V/60A 6/5 Type W IEC60309 Pin 560X9W Sleeve Blue 4P5W 6655
      50"Ft Extension 120/208V/60A 6/5 T…
      Nassau National Cable
    3. 500' 16/60 SOOW Black Portable Power Cable 600V UL CSA
      500' 16/60 SOOW Black Portable Po…
      Nassau National Cable
    4. 1000' 16/60 SOOW Black Portable Power Cable 600V UL CSA
      1000' 16/60 SOOW Black Portable Po…
      Nassau National Cable
    5. 60' Extension Cord
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    • 60 Amp Wire On eBay | eBay Official Site

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