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- 5PCS HY-SRF05 Ultrasonic Rangin…5PCS HY-SRF05 Ultrasonic Ranging Sensor€ - IRLCompare price across sellers
- Ifm Efector Oid200 Laser Sensor …Ifm Efector Oid200 Laser Sensor Photoelectric Distance€255.60€284.00SALEeBay EMEACompare price across sellers
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- Phidget VINT Distance Sensor (1300…Phidget VINT Distance Sensor (1300Mm)€40.33Google RobotShop Merchant CenterGCompare price across sellers
- Seeedstudio Sensecap Wireless Soil …Seeedstudio Sensecap Wireless Soil Moisture & Temperature Sensor Lora€252.38Google RobotShop Merchant CenterGCompare price across sellers
- Davis Instruments Air Flow Tels Sens…Davis Instruments Air Flow Tels Sensor Red€13.99€20.45SALEWaveinnWCompare price across sellers
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- Igpsport Hr70 Heart Rate Sensor BlackIgpsport Hr70 Heart Rate Sensor Black€55.99€99.40SALEBikeinnBCompare price across sellers
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