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  1. SRAM RIVALにパワーメーターを導入! RIVAL AXS POWER ...

  2. AXS Power Meter Welcome Guide - SRAM

    If you have a standard indoor trainer, your power meter will make it “smart” by allowing you to capture power and cadence data and transmit it to your bike computer. Your power meter can connect directly to a Bluetooth-compatible device, like an iPad, while using the Zwift app.

  3. AXS Power Meter Spider | PM-AXS-SPDR-D1 - SRAM

    Ride with confidence knowing that your power meter will not quit when you need it the most. Enjoy up to 200 hours of ride time in any weather condition with its IPX7 waterproof rating and 10k temperature compensation; if harsh climates …

    • ブランド: SRAM
    • Bolt Circle Diameter (BCD): 107 BCD
    • オファー数: 1
  4. AXS Power Meter Spider - SRAM JAPAN - DIRTFREAK

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