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  1. 120/220 Film Developing - The Darkroom Photo Lab

    2024年4月23日 · The Darkroom photo lab specializes in all types of 120, 220, and 620 film developing. We process Color Print (C-41), Transparency (E-6) and True Black & White. We adjust density, color, and contrast for each and every frame or

  2. Vintage Film Developing: Kodak Verichrome 120 Film [Ep. 4]

  3. 他の人はこちらも質問
  4. 20-year old Kodak Tri-X Pan Prof. 120 film for developing

  5. Film developing by mail of all 35mm and 120 film at Fromex ...

  6. Film developing with Kodak D-76 - Sasha Krasnov

  7. 120 Film Development - Analogue Wonderland

    Develop 120 film and 220 film with the Analogue WonderLab, and choose from a wide range of processing options to get the perfect developing services for your needs. We process 120 film, scan the developed negative to create digital images of your photography, and send it all

  8. 120 and 220 Medium Format Film Developing, Printing and ...

  9. 120 film - Wikipedia

    120 is a film format for still photography introduced by Kodak for their Brownie No. 2 in 1901. It was originally intended for amateur photography but was later superseded in this role by 135 film. 120 film survives to this day as the only medium format film that is readily available to both professionals and amateur …

  10. Film Developing | Downtown Camera

    Are you an avid film shooter? Or just have a disposable camera, an old roll of Kodak, Fujifilm, or other? We still develop 35mm / APS / 110 / 120 / 220/ 4x5 film negatives in our in-house photo lab C41 process only. We also have combos so you can save on negative scanning or printing.

  11. New FIlm Test/Developing/Scanner Files: Kodak Gold …

    2022年4月16日 · …but this is the new 120 medium format strength variant. Shot with a favorite camera (Pentax 645N) and lens (75mm f/2.8). Developed at home. Once again the negatives came out great using Cinestill CS41. As usual, I scanned the negatives with my tried and true Epson V600. Photos were taken …

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