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  1. CW Decoder (free) download Windows version

  2. CW Decoder Program – WD6CNF - ON7KEC


  4. Reviews For: CW Decoder - eHam.net

  5. CWTY CW Decode-Send Program with Flex 6600

    2011年1月2日 · I Find the CW Decoder program that Len sent a picture of, far superior in performance to CWTY that was talked about in a recent QST article 73 Paul

  6. CW Decoder Apps – GOTAhams Amateur Radio Club

    Lots of folks have, want to or still operate CW on HF Frequencies. Many of us spend lots of time attempting to learn CW, both sending and receiving. When we’ve “gotten it” we’ll work to improve our “copying” speed and listen to HF bands hearing folks so fast we believe we’ll never understand what that guy is sending!

  7. Cw Decoder Logic - LY3H

    2016年11月8日 · Cw Decoder Logic v1.0.0.3 release 2016.11.03. 1. Increased decoder sensitivity and accuracy. 2. Increased program speed due to code optimizations. 3. Remember all last program configuration: windows position, size, selected device, auto manual. modes, windows waterfall / spectrum …

  8. Download CW Decoder by Grant Connell, WD6CNF

  9. CW Decoder - K9JY

    The CW Decoder takes six channels around a center ham radio frequency and decodes the signals. Working well on machine sent code (like messages sent from function keys on contest programs), the window has three settings

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