A Chinese restaurant owner accused of working 14 hours a day for three years for a severely intellectually disabled person ...
레바논 베이루트 남쪽 교외 다히예. 헤즈볼라를 이끌던 하산 나스랄라가 지난 9월 27일 이스라엘군의 표적 공습으로 숨진 곳입니다. 여기서 나스랄라의 장례식이 열렸습니다. 사망 64일 만이고 휴전 돌입 사흘 만입니다. 이런 ...
The Golden State, a professional basketball team in the U.S., has fallen to fourth place in the West with four consecutive ...
The Seoul Metropolitan Government has announced a "snake response plan" to end the spraying of snow removal agents in advance ...
Anchor] The Russian defense minister, who visited North Korea even during the war in Ukraine, left Pyongyang after a two-day ...
As the price of cacao, a raw material for chocolate, soared due to climate change, the domestic confectionery industry has ...
The United States has called for a peaceful resolution through dialogue to Syria, where civil war has intensified again.White ...
Anchor] Today, the weekend, it's December.At this time, you can see the Christmas atmosphere in advance on Nodeul ...
The 14-year civil war since 2011 is rapidly shaking as Syrian rebels have recaptured Aleppo for the first time in eight years ...
* 아래 텍스트는 실제 방송 내용과 차이가 있을 수 있으니 보다 정확한 내용은 방송으로 확인하시기 바랍니다. 인용 시 [YTN24] 명시해주시기 바랍니다. ◇앵커> 북한이 지금 제일 시급하게 바라는 것은 어떤 걸까요?
Anchor] Park Chan-dae, floor leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, said at tomorrow's plenary session that he will propose ...