Appleが2025年に発売を予定している「iPhone 17」シリーズには、これまでの端末よりも薄型の「Air」というモデルが加わるとうわさされています。新たに、このiPhone 17 ...
米国以外の国や地域ではSIMトレーがないiPhoneは販売されていません。 The Informationによれば、iPhone 17 ...
MSN による配信7月
Why Does My Phone Say 'No SIM'?
On an iPhone, the message will say “No SIM” in the status bar next to empty network bars, and a “No SIM Card Installed” or “No SIM available” message will appear in a pop-up and in ...
However, if you don't have service, or if your iPhone doesn't have a SIM card, you won't be able to see this detail. However, even without a SIM card or network connection, you can easily find the ...
Happy with your iPhone, but think you’re paying too much for data and texts? We’ve all been there, to be honest. Sometimes swapping mobile carriers is a good idea, but there might be a slight snag: If ...