Workers in some of the world's biggest garment manufacturing hubs in Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Pakistan are increasingly ...
Emilie Williams started making t-shirts on her bedroom floor in 2022, now Ditsy Bits has over 10,000 followers on Instagram ...
In the US Supreme Clothing and Cold Culture are two brands frequently taking center stage in streetwear discussions With their striking looks and devoted fan bases both companies have established a ni ...
Bray-based craftsperson, Ailbhe Beatty, has launched her first collection of handwoven Irish textiles under her new brand, ...
While embracing fashion and beauty rooted in oriental esthetics many Chinese brands are now rapidly expanding their presence on the international sta ...
Buy now, pay later has become almost a default payment option for many, but it isn’t as straightforward as it seems ...
A pregnant worker who said she was threatened with having her pay cut off if she did not agree to sign off on terminating her ...
One person’s second-hand clothing is another’s vintage fashion item and that’s why these low-key, understated places have ...
Primark/Penneys were made from recycled or more sustainably sourced materials over the last 12 months, according to the ...