Woodblocking, also known as woodblock printing, is one of the oldest methods of printmaking, dating back to ancient times.
Mount Fuji’s last eruption, which happened on this day in 1707, was also its largest, spewing ash and debris over cities and ...
These poems were published in Japan in late 19th century. They are printed on continuous stream of paper (the paper is folded ...
Top Irish art, Japanese wood block prints and a 1961 car are some of the stand-out items sold at auction this year ...
Rhode Island is now home to the first state-sanctioned overdose prevention center in the country. Advocates hope the new ...
Published in fifty-three fascicules, it comprised 1,892 entries and was fully illustrated with woodblock prints of the plants ...
The era of modern art is traditionally defined as the period that started in the 19th century, after a series of revolutions ...
Hundreds of years ago, wallpaper looked very different than the simple repeating patterns we often see today. Originally done on wood blocks, early designs were extremely decorative, colorful, and ...
It’s a somewhat tortured analogy, but it does contain truth. This year witnessed tumbling clearance rates in the Australian ...
Japanese artist Kawase Hasui (1883-1957), a restless traveler and driven artist, lost his house and work twice: once to an ...
沿线唯一以古城概念申遗的城市。姑苏繁华,千年滋养,城因河而兴,人依河而居,麦子发现这样的联系今天仍在延续。在古纤道,麦子看见装载货物的船只往来穿梭,直观感受这条“黄金水道”当下仍在发挥重要运输作用。在宝带桥,茅澄怡向麦子讲述中秋佳节“宝带串月”奇观,那是属于运河边长大的苏州人的温暖记忆。品尝苏式面条,体验桃花坞木版年画,山塘河坐船游览,古城探寻遗迹……此刻,一幅现代版的《姑苏繁华图》在麦子眼前徐徐 ...
A three-day exhibition on Khadi featuring the unveiling of an international book was inaugurated at Bharat Kala Bhavan, ...