[d3ad0ne] came up with a way of dumping files onto an SD card by using the USB HID protocol. We’ve seen this sort of thing before where a microcontroller carries an executable to extract data.
The convergence of the underlying Thunderbolt and USB protocols in the USB4 specification ... Teledyne LeCroy's T.A.P.4 probe technology and analysis software, allowing developers to verify ...
Below is Validea's guru fundamental report for US BANCORP (USB). Of the 22 guru strategies we follow, USB rates highest using our Multi-Factor Investor model based on the published strategy of Pim ...
Shenzhen, China and Beaverton, OR, USA – April 13, 2016 – The USB 3.0 Promoter Group today announced the USB Type-C™ Authentication specification, defining cryptographic-based authentication for USB ...