This year's most notable non-manga longform graphic narrative works for adults span a wide range of styles and topics.
The history books say that America’s seat of government is in Washington, D.C. But some might be forgiven for thinking it is ...
The 28th national book fair in Puducherry features book exhibition, discounts, competitions, and international participation ...
トップカルチャーが12日発表した2024年10月期の連結決算は、最終損益が7億1700万円の赤字(前の期は13億円の赤字)だった。前の期に続き不採算店舗の閉店や売り場の見直しなど構造改革を進めた。計6店を閉店したが新店や電子商取引(EC)の書籍販売な ...
Read about the U.S. Navy's contract award to Textron for Mine Sweeping Payload Delivery Systems production and support.
Gujaratis: A Portrait of a Community (Aleph) by Salil Tripathi profiles the Gujaratis, his community, and explains what makes ...
After matchday six of the newly formatted Champions League, our writers answer the burning questions, provide analysis and ...
Another big year in the comics business saw traditional book publishers continue to increase their investment in the medium ...
From biographies to business guides, here are 20 books Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates say shaped their views on ...
From longtime titans such as Carl Icahn to recent superstars like Bill Ackman, here are seven of the most famous American ...
Even through a year of nonstop news about elections, climate change, protests and the price of eggs, there was still time to ...