Some also assert that green tea, and matcha in particular, has a neuroprotective effect, suggesting a potential role for ...
One woman went on a three-day, all-women Ayahuasca Retreat expecting transformation. Here's what happened instead.
Mint, a common toothpaste flavor, offers more than just freshness. Derived from the plant Mentha, it boasts a rich history, ...
植物由来食品を展開する「2foods」では、「White Christmas -Winter Seasonal Menu-(ホワイトクリスマス -ウィンターシーズナルメニュー-)」をテーマとしたプラントベースの冬限定メニューを販売している。
NeRoLi herbは、英国式植物療法(西洋漢方)、漢方、和漢、アーユルヴェーダを総合的に取り入れたオリジナルブレンドハーブティーの専門店。モデルや女優、ヘアメイクアップアーティストなど、名だたる美のカリスマたちが厚い信頼を寄せる。
Just a stone's throw from the 12th arrondissement's Petite Ceinture, enjoy a moment of calm and indulgence at Jo and Nana ...
Not only can it help with blood pressure and cholesterol, but its antioxidants and polyphenols could help improve insulin ...
Matcha is a powder made from green tea leaves and if you love the taste, you can often drink it on its own by mixing powder ...
There is evidence that yerba mate tea could help prevent osteoporosis – a disease that can cause bone fractures – by ...
The operations of "Gilan Tea" tea company have been officially terminated, with the company merging into "Green Plant" LLC.
LOS ANGELES — Califia Farms, a plant-based beverage company, is launching single-serve options for two of its popular ...
Cancer can touch anyone no matter how healthy but it is scientifcally proven that certain foods can reduce your risk ...