Synology has closed a security gap in the Media Server that was classified as high risk with updated versions.
本連載では、Synologyのパーソナルクラウド「BeeStation」の活用を、第185回から実践している。本製品はNASの一種だが、インターネット経由で外部からも簡単にアクセスできるのが特徴で、「パーソナルクラウド」の呼び名は、その特徴にちなんで ...
For those who understand the importance of data backup and have moved to implement, there is a very common practice that is ...
The DS223 sits almost at the bottom of Synology’s huge NAS range, with only the single-slot DS124 and the more basic two-slot ...
S etting up and using network-attached storage (NAS) is a great way to control your data from the comfort of your home. Cloud subscriptions are excellent for conveniently moving f ...