The student turned out to be the son of Evelyn Lobo-Villegas, the sister of Clarence Lobo, the last tribal chief of the ...
Sociologist MN Srinivas didn’t just theorise caste, but investigated it in the field. On his death anniversary, a look at the ...
When wild capuchin monkeys experience experience higher temperatures, the performance of their generalized immune system ...
A new study of ancient footprints is the first ever to show that our early ancestors coexisted in a shared space.
The discovery offers new insight into human evolution, particularly between the two early human species, known as hominins — a term for a subdivision of hominids. Hominins are all organisms within the ...
Chimpanzees are known for their remarkable intelligence and use of tools, but could their cultures also evolve over time like human cultures? A new, multidisciplinary study suggests that some of their ...
The discovery of complex fish trapping networks from 4,000 years ago hint at how the Maya rose up as a civilization in ...
Hunter-gatherer children acquire life skills early through community-based learning, demonstrating how egalitarianism and ...
Missions and Acquisitions Project will feature current collecting practices and highlight case studies in the United States ...
Researchers exploring the mating behaviors of Brazil's endangered northern muriquis have utilized fecal DNA analysis to ...