Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral reopens on December 7, five-and-a-half years after fire destroyed its roof and spire and caused ...
This weekend the great cathedral of Notre Dame reopens on the Île de la Cité in Paris. The reopening comes little more than ...
Norte-Dame cathedral in Paris is set to reopen on Sunday, following a meticulous restoration work carried out over the last five years after the Gothic masterpiece was engulfed in a catstrophic fire ...
The Festival of Nativities, an indoor display of 550 nativities, is going into their 10th year at the Scenic Drive location of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Wondering why we eat certain foods during Easter in the UK? Find out the traditions behind the classic fare such as eggs, hot ...
After the 2019 fire, Philippe Villeneuve led Notre Dame's restoration from ruin in a quick turn around of five years. The ...
小学館集英社プロダクション は、漫画「葬送のフリーレン」が題材の「クリスタルボール」の予約受付を、2024年11月27日~12月22日までの期間、同社運営の通販サイト「 少年サンデープレミアムSHOP 」で行う。発送は25年4月上旬以降の予定。
HASTINGS — The Hastings College Department of Music and Theatre invites the community to “A Festival of Nine Lessons and ...
巨人桑田真澄2軍監督(56)が1日、上原浩治氏(49)がご意見番を務めるTBS系「サンデーモーニング」にゲスト出演。新天地を求め楽天を退団する田中将大投手(3… - 日刊スポーツ新聞社のニュースサイト、ニッカンスポーツ・コム(nikkansports ...
福地翼 「うえきの法則」の新作読み切り「うえきの法則 エキシビション」が、12月4日発売の週刊少年サンデー2025年1号(小学館)に掲載される。