繰り返し使える画面クリーナー&スタンド【今日のライフハックツール】 スマートフォンで動画を視聴する時、役に立つ ... スマホスタンドが発売されるようになりました。 今回は、『ALTNA スクリーンクリーナー(スタンド付)』という製品をご紹介します。
I tried the Whoosh! Screen Cleaner to remove the dirt, oil, smudges and fingerprints from my eyeglasses and devices. Now, my ...
Do not spray water or cleaner directly onto the phone screen. Always apply the liquid to the cloth first. Wipe gently in circular motions Start by wiping the screen gently in circular motions.
If you find that your phone screen, monitor, or glasses get filthy with gunk or dirt too often, you probably have tons of cleaning cloths and other ways to scrub each one until it’s sparkling again.
Most screen cleaners these days are designed to clean all screens -- including TVs, phones, laptops, desktop monitors, and tablets. Still, it's a good idea to make sure the cleaner you're ...