OCTAVE(オクターブ)のモノラル・パワーアンプ「MRE」シリーズのトップモデル「MRE220」が“SE”へと進化した。先進的な五極管回路はそのままに、高解像度・高忠実度を特徴とする現代のスピーカーのアンプに対する高い要求に応えることを目指し、ダン ...
The main functions of the gate driver IC that were optimised include the six-channel gate-driver structure, the extra gate-driver output to control the external MOSFET for reverse polarity protection, ...
Gate Driver IC market Trends. Gate Driver IC Market to Reach $1.88 Billion by 2030. Growth in smart home and smart grid technologies, and the need for high ...
Toshiba offers engineering samples of its TB9084FTG, a MOSFET gate driver IC for three-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motors.
The electronic design of the Iso phono stage and Argo preamp was done by Tom Evans (now of Tom Evans Audio Design) while ...
フューレンコーディネートは、同社が取り扱うドイツ・OCTAVE(オクターブ)ブランドより、モノラル真空管パワーアンプ ...