The third installment in the Mad Max franchise, set in a post-apocalypse world follows Max who seeks shelter in Batertown, a ...
On December 15, a Chinese tourist sparked controversy after filming the Royal Australian Navy Eastern Fleet Base in Sydney ...
Advertisements pasted along the sidewalk in Kyiv ask for donations to help fill financial gaps across Ukraine's military ...
The first trailer for new drama Warfare, starring Heartstopper 's Kit Connor and Stranger Things ' Joseph Quinn, has been released. Written and directed by Ray Mendoza and Alex Garland, the film ...
The film is based on the real-life experiences of Mendoza, who worked on the military sequences in Garland’s last film, Civil ...
The Hulu Originals for the month include The Best Heart Attack of My Life, Goosebumps: The Vanishing, Paradise, Roy Wood Jr.: ...
Kiwi actor David Weatherley, who starred in Lord of The Rings and had a career spanning screen and stage, has died. An ...
Written and Directed by Iraq War veteran Ray Mendoza and Alex Garland ( Civil War, 28 Days Later ), Warfare embeds audiences ...
The Day,' a box office hit in South Korea and its Oscar submission for international feature, recreates the country's 1979 ...
Alex Garland and Ray Mendoza’s action combat thriller has American soldiers taking fire from inside the home of an Iraqi family in an account told entirely from their memory.