Holy Sparks,” a milestone exhibition celebrating 50 years of women in the rabbinate, opened at Hillel UCLA last month and ...
These are not just historical artifacts—they are enduring symbols of the resilience and hope of the Jewish people,” said ...
This year’s gathering in New York City took on new meaning, taking place just a week after the murder of Rabbi Zvi Kogan. It inspired them to do more to ...
For decades, I maintained a status quo of living like a Jew without being one. When I finally pursued conversion, I ...
Through revolution and war, Touro Synagogue, which opened in Newport, Rhode Island, on this day in 1763, has long been a ...
The differences in the Gospels are hard to reconcile. That’s because, says a scholar, they offer an important insight into ...
Among those who participated in this inaugural national Thanksgiving were the Jewish citizens of New York, numbering around ...
American Jews have celebrated Thanksgiving, acknowledging the gift of freedom of religion and a secure and safe home.