欧州で電力価格が一時急騰した。天候不順で風力や太陽光発電が急減し、ドイツの電力スポット価格は瞬間的に平時の10倍近い高値を付けた。再生可能エネルギーの不調を補うため天然ガス火力発電への依存度を高めれば、天然ガス価格の上昇を招き、アジアなど他の市場にも ...
A BIG energy firm with seven million customers is offering thousands half price electricity this evening. British Gas customers can get the discounted energy between 9pm and 11pm ...
Thousands of British Gas customers are eligible for half-price electricity tonight between 9pm and 11pm as part of the ...
British Gas - a major UK energy firm with seven million customers - is offering thousands half price electricity this evening ...
The next PeakSave event will take place tonight and all energy savings will appear as credit on customers' bills.
Marine fuel trading firm New Sea Generation has hired a new bunker trader in Greece. Papachristodoulou had previously worked ...