Broken zipper on your bag? You can fix it! Start by removing the old zipper slider off the zipper. To do this, bring the slider to the top of the zipper. You can use a seam ripper to remove fabric ...
ファスナー(ジッパー)は、最初に発明された頃から、たいして変わっていません。ですから、よく起こるトラブルも昔からあまり変わっていないのです。 ここでは、ファスナーにまつわるさまざまなトラブルを解決する方法を紹介しましょう ...
Fortunately, a simple solution to fix that stuck zipper doesn't require fancy tools — just a standard dining fork. Yes, ...
This usually means the cover of the cushion is designed to be removed quickly for cleaning or other types of maintenance and repair. Any zipper can break. If a zipper off-tracks, it becomes misaligned ...
A zipper can stick at the most inopportune time, leaving you with the frustration of trying to move it up or down. Rather than attempt to accomplish what seems an impossible feat, you can remedy the ...