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Russia's state oil firm Rosneft has agreed to supply nearly 500,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude to Indian private refiner ...
Australia's centre-left government said on Thursday (December 12) it planned new rules that would charge big tech firms ...
Two families in northwest Harris County are frustrated after paying $1,550 for fence repairs, only to have the company they hired disappear without completing the job.
Power markets in the capacity range of the Malawi power market and even those with far bigger capacities such as Malaysia, ...
To combat the rising theft of electricity distribution facilities, the Manila Electric Company (Meralco) has partnered with ...
Ghana Water Company workers are protesting the demolition of their properties by a private developer. The workers are ...
After an SUV caused a pipeline explosion in Deer Park, Houston Landing reviewed dozens of incidents nationwide where vehicles ...
Chick-fil-A Supply plans to build a new $100 million distribution center in Elsmere. The facility is expected to create 178 jobs in the next five years.
Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Burton, Michigan, Rock Bottom is owned and operated by Ken Belcher and Todd Dennis. The company operates a second location in Highland, Michigan, and employs a ...
Convenience-store distributor grows in the Intermountain West with purchase of Stinker Stores-affiliated company ...
A damaged chain link fence rail can easily be repaired by cutting out the bad section and sliding in a new piece. Learn how ...