The enduring popularity of 'Dragon Ball Z' continues through various platforms. From the original series to 'Dragon Ball Z ...
The Frieza Force is the most powerful army in Dragon Ball Z, but there's a lot about them that doesn't make sense.
Highly Anticipated Dub Premiered in North American Theaters in November Ahead of its Streaming Debut Sydney, Australia (December 4, 2024) – The legend of Goku continues when the English dub of Dragon ...
C&Kが、フジテレビ系にて放送中の完全新作アニメシリーズ『ドラゴンボールDAIMA(ダイマ)』のオープニング主題歌「ジャカ☆ジャ~ン/ゼッド feat. C&K」のレコーディング・メイキング映像を公開した。
バンダイナムコエンターテインメントは、12月4日、『ドラゴンボール レジェンズ』で、「LEGENDS ULTIMATE PICKUP」の開催を発表した。「LEGENDS ULTIMATE PICKUP」は、LEGENDS ...
After debuting back in October, the first English dubbed episode of Dragon Ball Daima will finally arrive on Crunchyroll in ...
The anime Dragon Ball Daima started in October, and the premiere of the English dub has finally been revealed!
Along with the big news of Daima’s English release date, Crunchyroll released the extensive cast list for the voice actors ...
世界中で愛され続けるアニメ『ドラゴンボール』。アニメならではの魅力の一つに、原作漫画の面白さをさらに膨らませるアニメオリジナルエピソード、通称アニオリ回があります。原作にはないストーリー展開やキャラクター描写は、ファンにとって新たな発見や… ...
English dub episodes of Dragon Ball DAIMA will be released weekly ... With the addition of Dragon Ball DAIMA, the franchise ...
So far, more than 40 covers have been released. With only a handful of spots remaining, it has been confirmed that the next ...
In Episode 8 of 'Dragon Ball Daima,' significant revelations about Majin Buu's origins come to light. It is unveiled that the ...