The global smart water softeners market size was US$ 409.2 million in 2021. The global smart water softener market is forecast to grow to US$ 1,281.7 million by 2030 by registering a compound annual ...
The Camino Real Regional Utility Authority says it received two customer calls about discolored water in November. The ...
SAN ANTONIO - City officials have released some tips for keeping safe and warm during cold weather, as a colder forecast ...
Are you washing your sheets enough and correctly? Here's how often you should machine-wash your sheets, pillowcases and other ...
Discover the perfect presents for walkers, from comfortable shoes to smart fitness trackers. Expert-recommended gifts for ...
Limit yourself to one five-to-10-minute bath or shower daily. If you bathe more than that, you may strip away much of the ...
Fmr LLC boosted its stake in shares of A. O. Smith Co. (NYSE:AOS – Free Report) by 180.2% during the 3rd quarter, according ...
Clorox Toilet Wand is the answer to your prayers if you want an easy, deep cleaning, toss-away-after-you're-done type ...
若年層は水をよく飲む。マイボトルも愛用している。ただし、マイボトルを使った給水には不満がいっぱい――そこに目を付けたのが、アサヒ飲料だ。同社は2024年12月2日に会員制のアプリ連動型ウオーターマネジメントサーバー「WATER ...
One of the most popular Shark Tank products and a No. 1 bestseller on Amazon, this gadget is made with squishy neoprene and ...
A. O. Smith (NYSE:AOS – Get Free Report) had its price target reduced by investment analysts at Citigroup from $85.00 to $78.00 in a research report issued to clients and investors on Monday,Benzinga ...
コーヒーマシンは 2022年のアイスコーヒー飲み比べ企画 のときと変わらず、サンデン・リテールシステムと共同開発したマシンです。これを業務用汎用機として販売したのがNewDaysで使用している「CRYSTA II」なんでしょうね。