Op 1 april 1939 kwam de Spaanse Burgeroorlog ten einde. Spanje was voortaan een dictatuur onder leiding van Franco. Pablo Picasso was door de Spaanse republikeinse regering gevraagd om een werk te ...
We learn about the life and works of Pablo Picasso, an artist of extraordinary creativity and the father of cubism. Brilliant, charismatic and rebellious are the adjectives that characterize Pablo ...
Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous artists of the twentieth-century. Why? Because he was brilliant at drawing. People really loved his doodles. What do you think of the drawing above? Look at how ...
Young Pablo’s connection with his father’s institution ... However, modern French experts say that all Picasso’s styles, no matter how different, and whether autographed or not, have one ...
Philip Larkin, who hated artistic modernism with a passion that bordered on (or sometimes crossed the border into) rage, blamed the whole ghastly mess on the three Ps: Ezra Pound, Charlie Parker and ...
An upcoming show will be the first time that Picasso sketchbooks made during his year in Royan, France, go on public display ...
The Cleveland Museum of Art is the only North American venue offering a rare look at some of the work from artist Pablo ...
The immersive and long-awaited Pablo Picasso exhibition at the Cleveland Museum of Art will finally open Sunday. The only ...