Jõulumeeleolu loomiseks ning Scania brändi teadvustamise eesmärgil korraldasime sel aastal esmakordselt laste seas ...
Desarrollado especialmente para los camiones, buses y motores de la marca, Scania presentó un producto premium que ofrece el ...
Même si les clients ne l'exigent pas (encore), les responsables de Brunner KA-GE AG à Bassersdorf, dans le canton de Zurich, ...
Auch wenn es die Kunden (noch) nicht fordern, möchten die Verantwortlichen der Brunner KA-GE AG im zürcherischen Bassersdorf ...
San Luis Potosí, 2 de diciembre de 2024. - En un esfuerzo por fortalecer la formación de operadores de transporte en México, ...
Scania has delivered the 100th Hybrid-Electric bus to route bus operator Kinetic in Victoria, underlining the success of the ...
Gunnar Ledfelt, a prolific inventor with 36 patents, and several more in the pipeline, has devoted 18 years at Scania to ...
蒋师傅如今运营浙江温岭往返于昆明的路线,全程4800公里。去程拉快递,返程拉蔬菜,多样式的货物却丝毫没有影响出行的油耗,无论是浙江江西的平原、湖南的丘陵还是云贵川的山路,全新的斯堪尼亚Super 500 ...
Os modelos P 280 XT mais sustentáveis vão circular em Fortaleza (CE) e Osasco (SP). Se abastecidos com biometano, a redução ...
Curious about starting your electrification journey? This five-step guide will show you how to integrate battery electric ...
With quote & fact box and image gallerySara Hermansson returns to Scania as the Head of Power Solutions. She brings fresh ...
Throughout Europe, cities seek to limit street traffic both to provide a better environment for residents and to address the urgent need to reduce climate impact. A major research study initiated by ...