2022年5月10日、このタイトルの先につづられていたのは、AppleからのiPodシリーズの製造 ... nanoでも、第3世代のiPod touchでもなく、「シルエット ...
These numbers are noteworthy as the company never officially disclosed iPod touch sales to the public, leading to speculation amongst bloggers and analysts about the actual profit and numbers ...
If you're looking for a great iPod Touch deal, we've found the best prices for this month. Apple's trusty portable device has outlasted almost every other dedicated music player and still holds a ...
中国のONDAというメーカーから登場したアップル「iPod touch」とよく似たタッチパネル方式を採用するメディアプレーヤー「VX858」を覚えている ...
The iPod Touch was designed by the same team that later ... Carolina Milanesi from Creative Strategies said the decline of iPod sales was connected to the rise of iPhone sales - like the move ...
Clip: This is an excellent rectangle. Kim: But sales have been in decline for over a decade. How did the iPod go from being one of the most popular gadgets to being basically nonexistent?
同製品はタッチパネルで操作可能な車載端末で、iPodを接続するだけでiPodの液晶画面や操作キーなどをモニターに表示。専用ケーブルでiPodと接続 ...
クラリオンは12月2日、アップルコンピュータとのコラボレーションにより、iPodと連携可能なカーオーディオ機器の開発を発表した。車載モニター ...
The retailer expects to be able to drive additional sales as a result ... up lines at registers by doing everything from an Apple iPod Touch device (see story). Beauty products retailer Sephora ...