A retired barber and “year-round Santa Claus,” he co-founded a foundation that makes wooden cars for children around the ...
Alton Thacker, a Utah man who co-founded a nonprofit that has donated over 1.7 million wooden toy cars to children around the ...
In an age of toy overconsumption and the overuse of plastic, going back to the basics and choosing wooden toys is a great way ...
BUYING your children’s toys for Christmas can be a huge task, with the number of choices and places to buy from growing each ...
This is the appointed hour where members of the Nevada Woodchucks take nearly a year’s worth of work, and distribute their ...
The non-profit wood crafters club Apple Country Woodworkers held its 39th annual toy giveaway on the morning of Wednesday, ...
Lowe’s has supported the nonprofit Toy Shoppe, a local organization dedicated to creating and distributing handmade wooden ...
Promising review: "My 2-year-old LOVES these! I Bought these to entertain my toddler, and they do that! She can color for ...
For the 5th year in a row, the St. James Woodworkers Club made hundreds of toys they donated to Toys for Tots.
The Toy Makers of East Lake make 20,000 hand made toys every year to be delivered to children in need throughout Tampa Bay.
You wouldn't think that in 2024 you could find Lincoln Logs, balsa wood gliders, Etch-A-Sketches, and the Magic Eight Ball in a major toy store.
Christmas is a time of joy and giving, but for some families, the holiday magic is out of reach. That’s where the Capital ...