来自法国的百年脱毛个护品牌 Veet 薇婷,6 月携手创意代理商 BETC 巴黎,为旗下男士私处脱毛套装推出一段“超萌”广告片。 片名取自古希腊史诗《奥德赛漂流记 Oodyssey》,通过两颗“蛋蛋”的奇幻漂流,TVC 将产品难以用言语直接表述的部分,以“动画+实景 ...
Veet Men In Shower Hair Removal Cream is a quick and effective way to remove body hair, leaving your skin feeling smoother for up to twice as long as shaving. Using the cream provides smooth results ...
Veet Men In Shower Hair Removal Cream is ideal for removing hair on back, chest, shoulders, arms, underarms and legs and provides smooth skin in just 4 minutes. Hydrates skin for up to 24 hours. Veet ...