This article is authored by Ananya Raj Kakoti, scholar, international relations, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
“Take this entrenching tool and go dig a latrine ... as the ground is known in Marine Corps “normenclature,” rolling around in uncontrollable laughter. We had to run several hot ...
Below: Big Tech critics hail Trump’s pick for DOJ antitrust chief; a new AI watchdog. First: ...
Pvt. Hector Albert Cafferata Jr. was awarded the Medal of Honor after facing an overwhelming attack on Thanksgiving Day in Korea.
For the master’s tool will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but ...
Syria's regime collapse has sparked debate, on whether a coup orchestrated by foreign-backed militants constitutes a people's ...
Qatar’s pipeline ambitions clashed with Assad’s preference for an Iranian alternative, further entrenching ... became a ...
As allies like Iran pressured Assad for reforms, and Western nations explored conditional sanctions relief, Syria became a ...
Partition is the reason the UN Relief and Works Agency was created in the first place, entrenching Palestinians ... remain invested in its existence as a military and settler outpost to protect ...
In the complex and ever-evolving world of international relations (IR), the role of myths is often underestimated or overlooked .