The Claymore manga is a beloved Shonen Jump dark fantasy series, with its creator, Norihiro Yagi, dropping an exciting new one-shot recently.
Polygon sat down with the two creators to talk about Black Canary, superheroes in civilian clothes, King’s inability to escape personal work, and the most frustrating thing DC films can do that DC ...
Iron Studios has revealed a Batman figure showing The Dark Knight without his mask sitting under his cape and cowl on a ...
As part of the same drop that included a Magneto figure, Iron Studios has also unveiled a new Cyclops figure from the hit ...
Hasbro has announced a new wave of retro Spider-Man Marvel Legends action figures that includes Spider-Man Unlimited, Spider-Boy, Kaine, Electro (Francine Frye), Agent Venom (Flash Thompson), and ...
After the controversy of Netflix's AI-modified Arcane poster (now deleted!), it's pleasure to see a reminder of the skill ...