Participatory sport events involve tournaments and games where attendees are the participants. Often family members or ...
Ivanka Trump grew up in the lap of luxury, as did her husband. Jared Kushner, so it stands to reason their three children ...
Liz Moore (Riverhead Books), $30 Moore’s gothic-tinged atmospheric thriller — set in a 1970s summer camp where a wealthy teen ...
「Yoshiʼs CUP」のグループリーグを勝ち抜き、決勝トーナメント進出を決めた岡部世南、川西飛生、奈良恒輝、渡邉栞太(左から)。(C)Yoshiʼs CUP/長浜功明 ...
A: A winning culture means that you want to have success in the long run. The most important thing about winning, it’s ...
男子テニスで世界ランク69位の 西岡良仁 が主催する第4回「Yoshi's CUP」が14日に開幕。昨年優勝の川西飛生らが決勝トーナメント進出を決めた。 ...
HOLANI VENTURE CAPITAL FUND, a Category I Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) with an initial corpus of ₹ 300 crore and an ...