Students and volunteers are building super-efficient houses in Hope Valley that will be sold to families making 80% or less ...
If you are set on buying a used RV, going to a dealership isn't always fun. To help, here are seven questions you need to be ...
Road's CX3 is purpose-built to survive South Africa's harsh desert conditions, including wind, dust, and wild critters. The ...
That said, I've also realized that my patio and backyard area can use a major upgrade. Luckily, Amazon's current end-of-year ...
There's ~snow~ way you're going to endure another winter of draft doorways and slush-stained floors. View Entire Post › ...
なんだか最近のLEDって明るすぎませんか?2000年頃に白色LEDが普及しだして、2008年には東京タワーもLED仕様になりましたね。昨今では光量の増加はもちろん、自然光色のLEDなんかもあって、地味にLEDを追っていると面白いのです。 光の照射角もだいぶ広角になったこともあり、家中でとてもありがたく使わせてもらっていますが、一方で明りが強すぎると感じることも。昔のぼんやりした明かりも趣があって ...