Iowa is usingmore than $3.5 million in American Rescue Plan dollars to provide every first-grade student in the state with ...
Steubenville City School teachers are broadening students’ horizons with distinctive projects to enhance education in STEM, ...
STEM Pathway November facilitated a large amount of mental growth and community bonding across the Victoria Independent ...
The University of Wyoming’s Teacher-Researcher Knowledge Exchange (TRKE) program kicked off its second year of connecting ...
Third grade lessons on ancient Rome repeatedly reference ... that teach writing and writing skills through social studies and science content.
With six schools coming in as low-performing in the 2023-2024 school year, Pender County Schools are putting forth a plan to ...
Teachers at Harrison Hills City Schools have been awarded grants to enhance reading, math science and engineering concepts for their pupils. Julia Carman, Sue Macenczak and Alisha Steele each received ...
But a third grade lesson still says Spanish conquistadors’ merely “shared ... “great exposure” to Texas history with material ...
The material is unconstitutional under the Texas and the United States constitutions, according to Rachel Laser, CEO of the ...
It's like having a third eye ... Sixty-seven students from kindergarten to grade 5 currently study here; most are first ...
The usual rule of thumb is that stories sell; data doesn’t. But new research suggests that’s not necessarily true.
The field trip came to school recently, when Appleview Elementary students were visited by a mobile science trailer for some ...