With help from the community and a LOT of cans - another holiday tradition is in the books!For more than four decades, ...
Toys for Kids drive went to the University Mall in South Burlington this week to continue collecting new, unwrapped toys for ...
The Salvation Army is excited to be part of the 31st Annual CHEK Drive-Thru Toy Drive, a vital initiative aimed at bringing ...
WTAE Channel 4 is in its 39th year of community service to area children and older citizens with the WTAE-TV project Bundle-Up Telethon.
You can also read updates from WT including a food drive and graduation schedule, how to thwart porch pirates and more.
It's an event we have been talking about for weeks and it is finally here. One big day to blow away hunger with Rona Portage ...
And we're off! The Bill Shaw Salvation Army Christmas Fund has its first generous donors of the year. Thank you to Joann Ray, ...
The Christmas season of activities have arrived! They began with the Pontotoc City Christmas parade this past Monday and will ...