History of benzodiazepines and z-hypnotic drug use prior to a traumatic injury increases the risk for persistent opioid use after a traumatic injury.
The past two decades have been a barren time for the discovery of novel drugs for psychiatric disorders, in particular those that could revolutionize disease treatment. In our first 'Viewpoint ...
How should we understand the relation between psychiatric drugs and the idea of ‘contact with reality’? Let’s start by imagining a scale on which your level of happiness could be represented by ...
China will add 91 drugs to its national medical reimbursement list next year, the National Healthcare Security Administration ...
Psychotropic drugs are usually prescribed by a psychiatrist, a psychiatric nurse practitioner (PMHNP), or a primary care physician; in some areas, clinical psychologists may have prescriptive ...
Psychotropic drugs are usually prescribed by a psychiatrist, a psychiatric nurse practitioner (PMHNP), or a primary care physician, although in some areas clinical psychologists with prescriptive ...
Kennedy said he would create rehabilitation wellness farms where people with drug-related issues (including with psychiatric drugs) can go for a program of rehabilitation that would include job ...
It was the first of several long stays in psychiatric hospital wards where powerful anti-psychotic medication was the only treatment on offer. "I was so full of drugs, my mind was just a blur.
The health authority shows its support for novel drugs, while driving tough bargains with pharmaceutical firms on prices.
Citizens Commission on Human Rights protested outside the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Convention in ...