Recognizing our inherent unity with God, Spirit, brings joy and peace – even after things have gone awry.
He looked past his own life, his own comfort, his own time, and knew Germany’s future would be controlled by unspeakable evil ...
교회교육, 성경·교리·전도 등 주로 시행 ‘크리스천다운 삶’은 상대적으로 부족해 교회학교 위탁형 교육에 익숙한 부모들 ‘부모교육에 참여할 것’ 87%로 높지만 13%만이 성경 읽기·기도 ‘자주’ 보여줘 크리스천 학부모들은 ...
Sean Williams is pastor at Encounter Church, 2322 Spring St., St. Helena, 707-963-9255. Public worship on Sunday at 10 a.m.
Protestant Reformed Churches in America is struggling with what it has called the "private sin" of child sexual abuse and ...