Another Colorless card can also take down Pikachu ex in one turn too. A new Tauros card is fairly simple, being a basic ...
Mythical Island arrived as the first major expansion for Pokémon TCG Pocket and with it came a meta shake up. Pikachu ex ...
I’m very confused as to how Pokemon TCG Pocket works. Not in a battling sense, I know that Mewtwo ex, Pikachu ex, and Starmie ...
Looking to simulate the experience of opening a real booster pack, when players must profusely focus on a booster box of ...
Pokémon TCG Pocket launched with a good amount of cards to collect, but it can become a drag once you start seeing the same ...
Celebi ex is one of five ex Pokémon added in Mythical Island, a Themed Booster which brought 68 unique new cards to the ...
This guide focuses on 3 specific decks that can be used without EX cards. These can be created early on in the player's ...
A handful of cards break this one per turn rule, however, by allowing for additional mana generation. Of the four best decks ...
The Genetic Apex SP Emblem Event 1 adds a new competitive option for the Versus mode. Within the Event Match menu, players ...
人気スマートフォン用ゲーム「Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket( ポケポケ )」の初の追加拡張パック「幻のいる島」が、きょう12月17日に実装され、プテラex、ピジョットexなどの新カードが発表になった。