Our Lady of Guadalupe is a symbol of faith, culture and identity for many Mexicans and Latin Americans living in the U.S.
On a recent Sunday, while many people slept in, I got to Morley Field around 6:30 a.m. I’m the assistant to the manager of ...
The feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates the solemn belief in the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
In the face of fear and threats to our community, Latinos from around the city gathered in a public veneration of Our Lady of ...
Despite the bitter cold that’s descended on Chicagoland, thousands of people are making their way to visit the shrine of the Virgin Mary in north suburban Des Plaines for ...
A special celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be observed on Saturday, and the Diaz family that is ...
Beginning March 27, the fifth season of the hit series “The Chosen,” which focuses on the life of Jesus and his closest ...
Blanket Buddies have added a personal touch to this year’s Mayor’s Christmas Appeal, donating hundreds of handmade Christmas ...
Medeiros, who was decorated with three Purple Hearts and Bronze and Silver stars, returned from Europe with harrowing tales.
Like the pope who inspired millions of Catholics of her generation, Picciotti-Bayer maintains a hectic schedule. As the director of the Conscience Project, ...
In the early days of Advent, the ‘Prayer after Communion’ included the words, “for even now, as we walk amid passing things, ...