As executive editor of Anime News Network, Lynzee Loveridge has the unique position of knowing what's tracking with the ...
そんな中、任天堂は2004年1月に新型携帯ゲーム機「ニンテンドー・ディーエス(仮称)」を発表。これが後の「ニンテンドーDS」であり、発表時点で上下二つの液晶画面を搭載することが明かされていたほか、当時は据置機でも携帯機でもない“任天堂の第3の柱”とし ...
Over the last nearly 30 years, hundreds of Pokémon have been designed and released across nine generations of the franchise.
The Rutherford County Schools removed over 150 titles from its school libraries on November 11 after board member Frances ...