Government Kilpauk Medical College Hospital offers a day care procedure for trigeminal neuralgia, providing relief for ...
Some tooth pain or sensitivity is to be expected after a filling and should improve within a few days to a couple of weeks. However, persistent pain may indicate nerve irritation, an allergic ...
PATIENTS sometimes blame dental professionals after filling their teeth when pain persists for a period. The general reason why teeth may become sensitive ...
Teratomas are unique embryonal tumors from germ cells, containing diverse tissues like teeth, hair, and muscle, with ...
Tears in your eyes, teeth clenched, you try to hide from the rest of ... severely damage the nerve fibers impairing their ...
During the holidays, I love rocking a red pout for all the festive winter activities. However, the sultry look definitely ...
I was recently attacked by a stranger’s pet dog. The shiba inu ripped my favourite linen slacks and left me hobbling for over ...
Dylan Strome, who saw two teeth die at the hands of back-to-back sticks at the end of November, and his Capitals teammates talk chiclets.
“how was I bored while people were drilling into my teeth?” Local anaesthesia (the type that numbers your gums during dental ...
The closer the crack or fracture gets to the pulp, then the higher the likelihood for pain ... the healing of that nerve and blood supply. However, we want to get that tooth back into the socket ...
He’s lying on the ground, bleeding, gritting his teeth in pain, and the major offers to help ... There’s nociceptive pain ...