Honduras is vying to create a 'dry canal' that will connect the Pacific and Atlantic oceans via a network of highways, ...
An estimated 8 million migrants have entered the U.S. during the Biden administration, the highest number in centuries. Many still come from the so-called Northern Triangle, made up of Guatemala, ...
ICE data showed over nearly 1.5 million people had final orders of removal but were not being held by the agency in November.
Within the U.S., Massachusetts was found to have the highest average IQ out of all the states, with an average of 104.3.
Also featuring reporting on an elaborate con on a Chinese dissident, an academic credentials scandal, and trekking with ...
As dozens of deported migrants pack into a sweltering airport facility in San Pedro Sula, Norma sits under fluorescent ...
Outside a home in Honduras, an elusive creature maneuvered through freshly dug dirt. Its cryptic lifestyle and camouflaged coloring likely helped it go unnoticed. But when scientists finally found the ...
Each week high schools are invited to nominate an outstanding student for the honor. Meet these highly accomplished students.
近年は人間の腸内細菌が健康状態に深く関わっていることが判明しており、腸内細菌に関するさまざまな研究が進められています。中央アメリカ・ホンジュラスの孤立した村々の人を対象にした調査では、「腸内細菌は家族だけでなく友人や社会的なつながりがある人と似てくる ...
Susan Budzyna Klein was exposed to life in the military at an early age. Klein traveled around the country with her dad ...
For decades, the screwworm was eliminated in North America, but containment efforts in Panama have failed. Now cattle smugglers are helping the parasite advance north.
外務省(3日)セネガル兼カーボベルデ兼ガンビア兼ギニアビサウ大使、赤松武 (10日)ホンジュラス大使、中井一浩 ...