Why did the Pilgrims leave their old lives behind, to settle a strange alien land?
Long after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1621 and celebrated a successful harvest with a three-day gathering that ...
As Americans gather for Thanksgiving, they celebrate the legacy of the Pilgrims’ success. Lost in the holiday’s mythology are ...
What role did religion play in the genesis of the US? Rejected in their homeland, how did English Puritans become the ...
A cargo hold, just 5 feet tall and divided up with canvas - this is what served as the living quarters for the 102 passengers ...
The third Thursday of November is the National Day of Mourning for some Indigenous peoples. They are fighting for ecological ...
Where did the Pilgrims come from? Pilgrims arose from the English Puritan movement that originated in the 1570s. Puritans ...
The humanity Pilgrims like Edward Winslow showed toward Native Americans was tragically not shared by the Puritan colonists ...
A town in Worcestershire has held a special day to celebrate a local man who made history as one of the pilgrim fathers.
The next morning a “large number gathers” (that is as specific as the historical record gets on this) on the town green with ...