For over a decade, Texas drivers have had the standard white license plate issued for everyone in the State. A lot of people have strong opinions on whether or not it looks good. Most of them...well ...
Because in some of these cases, it looks like they're being a bully to these Texas drivers. Getting custom license plates in Texas isn't that hard in the digital world. They even have an entire ...
Another way to make your vehicle stand out is with a personalized license plate. While there are some good ones, and some funny ones, out there, not all of them are accepted by the State of Texas.
Texans will once again be able to order embossed license plates after the feature was unavailable for the last 15 years. My Plates, a company that provides specialty license plates in Texas, says ...
Abuse of ADA parking stalls is a major concern all across the country. ADA placards and disabled license plates are an accommodation for customers that need close parking. There are a number of ...
Persons with disabilities should apply for Disabled Parking Placard / License Plate with your state's Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV): Massachusetts RMV. You must also register with UCard, Access and ...
Q: Jeff McKinley of Riverside asked if the Department of Motor Vehicles issues disabled license plates for motorcycles. He emailed a photo from Riverside of a Harley Davidson motorcycle with a ...
Q: Jeff McKinley of Riverside asked if the Department of Motor Vehicles issues disabled license plates for motorcycles. He emailed a photo from Riverside of a Harley Davidson motorcycle with a ...