Peanuts are appealing to on-the-go snackers for their plant-based and high-protein appeal. But they are also emerging in infant foods. Bret Keough, strategic sales manager at Golden Peanut, points out ...
Not all whole grain foods are as healthy as their label may lead you to believe—some are much higher in calories than you'd expect.
Planteneers, a leading German developer and provider of customized plant-based products, has outlined how manufacturers can ...
The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) recently released its Scientific Report, which will serve as the basis of the recommendations in the ...
It’s so easy to eat desserts for every meal in the winter, but sometimes you need to have some savory food in between your ...
High-protein fish is good for gaining muscle, losing weight, or adding more healthy food to your diet, and fresh tuna has the ...
Protein deficiency is rare in the United States, but some people are at risk for it. Learn the symptoms of protein deficiency ...
Leading health organisations from around the world recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and then for breastfeeding to ...
ICL’s partnership with Daiz is elevating soy through germination with its Rovitaris SprouTx ingredient now on the European market. Karen Emerson, sales and business development manager of alternative ...
Soy sauce is definitely a go-to when eating sushi or making dumplings, but it can also be a clever ingredient in your next ...
A BBC documentary showed the results of an experiment into the impact that dietary changes can make on cholesterol levels ...
Managing hypothyroidism can be tricky, as it requires balancing hormone treatments with dietary choices. While there is no ...