そこで研究グループは、非侵襲的な評価方法であるfMRIを用いてSCSの反応性を予測できる可能性に注目した。SCSは神経障害性疼痛に効果があるとされているが、社会心理的要因が強い患者には効果が限られることもある。このため、個々の患者におけるSCSの効果 ...
Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine found structural and functional alterations in specific brain regions of ...
The shift from an awake state to unconsciousness is a phenomenon that has long captured the interest of scientists and ...
With our method, not only can we nudge complex patterns around in the brain toward known ones, but also—for the first time—write directly a new pattern into the brain and measure what effect that has ...
Researchers have developed a groundbreaking technique to “write” new learning patterns directly into the brain using ...
A 10-minute brain scan (functional magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI) can predict the success of a high-risk spinal surgery ...
Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine found structural and functional alterations in specific brain regions of individuals with opioid use disorder.
Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine found structural and functional alterations in specific brain regions of ...
One familiar definition of a metaphor is that it is essentially a figure of speech which uses one thing to mean another by ...
Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine found structural and functional alterations in specific brain regions of ...
“With our method not only can we nudge complex patterns around in the brain toward known ones, but also—for the first ...
A project to create a multi-parameter miniature sensor to help boost the range of measurements single underwater robotic ...