The holidays are upon us again, and it's time to decorate our offices and storefronts. Stores and businesses that decorate ...
Few plants can match the majestic elegance of white Irises. Here are some of the most breathtaking varieties of white Irises ...
While it is a good idea to mulch borders in the fall and winter months, blazing star plants do not enjoy sitting in wet soil, ...
In spring, give potted plants a jump start on the growing season by moving them to a sunny room with night temperatures ...
In Fielding Questions, readers also asked about poinsettia chill and how to mitigate rabbit damage that is happening already.
It’s December in Los Angeles, but if you just arrived here from Chicago or New York and have never been here before, you may ...
Still, Steenhuisen says the Ethiopian wolves appear to have joined the ranks of a growing list of mammals likely involved in ...
Discover the best plants for winter color to keep your garden vibrant during the colder months. Learn about evergreens, ...
When planning a garden, include these nectar-rich late summer and fall flowers for hummingbirds. They bloom best when days ...
Dahlias grace your garden with a vibrant assortment of colors from late summer to fall. Plant them with these companions to elevate the motley of colors.
As spring arrives and hummingbirds begin their migration back up north, have a bountiful supply of nectar ready by growing ...
Madison Moulton, a gardening expert at Blooming Backyard, advises: "Your peace lily flower can last for up to a month and then will turn yellow or green before eventually turning black or brown.