LINE Yahoo, the biggest communication app provider, revealed the next phase of the seamless service platform ‘Connect One’ ...
Wordtune is a popular grammar and paraphrasing tool that many local journalists use. It makes writing clearer, shorter, and easier to understand by paraphrasing and shortening longer text passages ...
When the Knoxville school's Hispanic enrollment doubled in the last two years, teachers and administrators volunteered to ...
TransParenting Enrichment Course is 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Dec. 14 at Just Say Something. This seminar-style class teaches effective ...
会話中に、「英語でなんて言うんだっけ…」と慌てて検索したことはありませんか。これは、日本の学校英語で身についてしまう、英語力をダメにする悪癖です。しかし、「たった一つのルール」さえ守れば、英語はたちまち上手になります。これから英語を習得する日本の子ど ...
A virtual tutoring program called Brainy Bulls connects grade school students in Western New York with vetted UB undergrads ...
Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) has been awarded a $1 million U.S. Department of Justice grant to improve school climate and expand mental health support interventions for students at 30 ...
さいたま市が独自に展開する英語教育が成果を上げている。約20年前から小中学校を横断したカリキュラムなどを他地域に率先して充実させた結果、同市の中学生の英語力は2018年以降、全国トップを独走している。教育都市としても知られるさいたま市は子どもの転入が ...
Srishti Parihar with Share a Book India Association is creating a nationwide movement that bridges gaps in education, ...
Archer Materials (ASX:AXE) has announced progress in its development of graphene field effect transistor (gFET) sensors for ...
Two seniors are looking to spread robotics education in the area to promote problem solving and creativity with RoboReach, ...
A future teacher, she's an inspiration to other first-gen students. She's now president of the First-Gen Lopers student ...