EPI provides an easily comparable index EPI’s ecosystem vitality scores are based on six constituent policy categories: water resources, agriculture, forests, fisheries, biodiversity and habitat, and ...
An EPI and Corruption Index Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) project using Python and SQLAlchemy that explores the effects of corruption on Environmental Performance Index (EPI) of Western Europe ...
https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/ This repository is a exploration of the Environmental Performance Index. The file epi.R contains R code to load the dataset 2016-epi.xlsx and plot the data. The data ...
India, China and Turkey have restricted access to 95% of their submissions to the World Database of Protected Areas, so the EPI could not accurately assess their performance in this category.
Climate change is a growing global concern and more and more countries are seeing the effects of extreme weather, from ...
It is followed by Luxembourg with an EPI of 82.3. It ranks high on sanitation, drinking water and pollution emissions' practices. Switzerland is the third cleanest country in the world with an EPI of ...