12月14日(土)12時から、秋葉原の「LIFORK AKIHABARA II」でゲーミングPCのアップグレードについて楽しく・わかりやすくお伝えするイベント「TOKYO Gaming-PC STREET 2」を開催します!
NCSOFTは2024年12月3日,「Journey of Monarch - 君主の道」の事前ダウンロードを開始した。PC版は,NC独自のクロスプラットフォーム「PURPLE」から,スマホ版はApp StoreとGoogle ...
PS5 and PS4 Games have their own charm, as they take you to a whole new world with their realistic visuals and a captivating ...
Available now on the Steam workshop, Pimps at Sea lets you get nautical with the Halo 3 toolbox in a co-op mission set across ...
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are officially behind us, but Walmart still has a strong list of solid deals still available.
Nvidia is the leading supplier of graphics processing units (GPUs) for data centers, which are used to develop artificial ...